Vision Helpdesk’s Satellite Feature Best Bet For End User Support!

�Vision Helpdesk is a leading web-based helpdesk software, it comes with a unique �Satellite Helpdesk Feature�, this feature allows users to manage support for multiple companies under single roof� said a company release.The company claims �” �The satellite feature allows Vision Helpdesk to be configured for different scenarios �” one example is offering Anonymous End User Support or White Label Support to Resellers customers�.

Company HR. Preeti Sharma said �” �End user support or white label support is nothing but offering support for your reseller’s customers�. Further She added – �While offering end user support important aspect for any company is that the end user does not see some other company is replying to their tickets and this is where Vision helpdesk scores over other traditional helpdesk software’s �” Vision helpdesk’s satellite feature allows users to offer such white label support with out any hassle�.

Russell Chambers (CEO said �” �Vision Helpdesk is a Perfect solution for white label support, it allows us to offer Free End User Support for our VPS clients with out any complexity�. He added further – �Vision Helpdesk also easily imports data from major helpdesks like: Kayako, Cerberus and WHMCS� This makes switching to Vision Helpdesk easy and you have all tickets imported from your old helpdesk �” that’s a big plus�.�Customer satisfaction is what really pays us �” we are happy to learnVision Helpdesk is making our customers life easy� said Preeti Sharma.

For more details on how White label support works check out �

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