Obtain Your Cisco Certified Voice Professional (ccvp)

Cisco Certified Voice Professional (CCVP) classes prepare the IT professional for handling situations related to voice technology and integrating it into network structures. The CCVP boot camp offered at Unitek addresses the needs of these professionals and their responsibilities. A CCVP certification is a valuable tool for the IT professional because it allows these professionals to help produce answers to telephony issues that are scaleable, easily managed, and crystal clear. The IT professional who enrolls in a CCVP class will acquire an invaluable set of skills that allow for implementation, operation, configuration, and, troubleshooting of a converged IP network.

Unitek’s CCVP boot camp provides participants with more than 160 hours of intensive hands on training that culminates in the final certification tests. CCVP students will receive 12 hours of instruction per day by a certified Cisco instructor who will use Cisco authorized curriculum. The content of the high tech CCVP classes focuses on such timely IT issues as: Cisco systems CallManager, QoS (quality of service), gateways, IP phones, voice applications, gatekeepers, and utilities that operate on Cisco routers and catalyst switches. The CCVP certification allows IT professionals to propel their careers and enjoy increased success in their chosen industry.

Participants in the CCVP boot camp enjoy single occupancy hotel room accommodations, free shuttle ride to and from the training center, and meals. Like the training center, the hotel rooms also offer high speed wireless Internet access. The tuition for the CCVP classes includes up to five test vouchers for CCVP certification. Additionally, most participants are guaranteed to pass the certification exam after completing CCVP boot camp. Each CCVP class is conducted in a facility that utilizes cutting edge technology and test preparation software.

Unitek’s CCVP boot camp by requires all applicants to pass a comprehensive skills assessment. This ensures that each CCVP class can move forward at an accelerated rate. This added measure ensures that all bootcamp participants are qualified. CCVP students should have 12 months of experience in systems administration or 24 months of experience on helpdesk. With access to twenty dedicated exam areas, participants receive an exceptional education and opportunity that will allow them to propel their careers and achieve success in their chosen professions.

For more information on Cisco Certified Voice Professional (CCVP) certification http://www.unitek.com/training/cisco/cisco_voice_portal.php?source=articlesender

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